Have you ever wanted to peruse the bookshelves of people you esteem and are influenced by?
Could you imagine peeking into the library of Billy Graham, George Washington, Martin Luther King, Jr. or whomever else you may hold in high regard?
Well, Bethany House Publishers and James Stuart Bell have made that possible for us with the likes of noted American pastor, A. W. Tozer (1897-1963).
In From the Library of A. W. Tozer, Bell has complied short but powerful excerpts from various writers who influenced Tozer's life as well as his thinking, writing, and preaching.
In this treasure of a book, such writers featured include though are not limited to: Charles Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, Francis of Assisi, George Mueller, John Bunyan, John Calvin, John Knox, John Milton, Jonathan Edwards, Martin Luther, and Teresa of Avila.
These one or two-page excerpts are inspiring, piercing, challenging, thought provoking, encouraging, and on, and on, and on...
As a matter of fact, as Francois Fenelon is quoted in the book, "Without the actual inspiration of the Spirit of grace, we could neither do, nor will, nor believe any good thing. We are, then, always inspired, but we incessantly stifle the inspiration. God does not cease to speak, but the noise of the creatures without, and of our passions within, confines us and prevents our hearing."
And then there is the challenge of George Mueller to us, " Do not men believe that God means what he appears plainly to have asserted? Or, if we believe that he means it, do we fear the charge of fanaticism if we openly avow to take him at his word?"
Upon reading through this priceless treasure of a book, I found myself constantly realizing how such great people of the faith like A. W. Tozer were inspired, strengthened, challenged, and encouraged by what they immersed themselves in by way of their Bible reading and related study.
Do yourself a favor and get your hands on this one book that combines writing from countless invaluable resources. Definitely a blessing to own and dig into as a daily devotional guide, as an occasional necessary resource, or as frequent reading material. Great resource packed with wisdom and inspiration!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Bethany House book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
ORDER My FIRST Book BELOW!!! (Look in my blog post entitled Word of God, SPEAK! AFFIRMATIONS of TRUTH for Your Soul for the ordering link if you cannot see it in your view of this page!)
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Tough week? TGFS!
Today was my Friday for the work week.
And just in time.
I was so tired driving to work this morning that I almost didn't make it...but I did.
Up every morning before dawn. Work is hectic. Drive home is hectic. Once my son and I get home it is non-stop until bedtime. Husband gets home from work very near or after bedtime.
Then...it all starts over the next day.
Weekends are too short, too.
So, as I was driving over the longest bridge in the world (literally) this morning, as I always do, I was thinking.
Thinking about this grueling week.
Thinking about disappointments from people I once respected. Thinking about disappointments from myself.
Seriously, today I wasn't even very faithful to pray for faithfulness in my son.
I was just about to whine to God about the tough, tiring week I have had.
Then it hit me...like a brick in the face as Scott Williams would say.
This week of mine is nowhere near as tiring, grueling, and mentally agonizing as this week was for my Jesus when He was a human on this earth. As a matter of fact, this was His last FULL day on earth for thousands of years---and He knew it.
How tired must He have been this morning so many years ago. How physically and mentally exhausted He must have been. How broken His heart must have been knowing how the very people He loved and was about to die a cruel death for still did not "get it." He was enduring this week and the day He was about to face all for them---all for us. Yet so many still had not grasped that. And so many would never. Their pride and blindness would hold them hostage. They would never see the love this God in human form had and has for them.
Do you think He was tired, drained, and just flat out exhausted?
I do.
And He knew what He was about to endure over the next 24 hours. No, make that 3 days. Yes, His agony did not end on the cross. Remember---He descended into hell so that He could once and for all defeat death before He rose again.
And then there's Sunday.
Thank God For Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hallelujah! He is risen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do I have to whine and complain about?
Join me now in giving thanks and praise to our Father for His gift, sacrifice, and unending faithfulness.
Happy Easter to you all!!!
Today was my Friday for the work week.
And just in time.
I was so tired driving to work this morning that I almost didn't make it...but I did.
Up every morning before dawn. Work is hectic. Drive home is hectic. Once my son and I get home it is non-stop until bedtime. Husband gets home from work very near or after bedtime.
Then...it all starts over the next day.
Weekends are too short, too.
So, as I was driving over the longest bridge in the world (literally) this morning, as I always do, I was thinking.
Thinking about this grueling week.
Thinking about disappointments from people I once respected. Thinking about disappointments from myself.
Seriously, today I wasn't even very faithful to pray for faithfulness in my son.
I was just about to whine to God about the tough, tiring week I have had.
Then it hit me...like a brick in the face as Scott Williams would say.
This week of mine is nowhere near as tiring, grueling, and mentally agonizing as this week was for my Jesus when He was a human on this earth. As a matter of fact, this was His last FULL day on earth for thousands of years---and He knew it.
How tired must He have been this morning so many years ago. How physically and mentally exhausted He must have been. How broken His heart must have been knowing how the very people He loved and was about to die a cruel death for still did not "get it." He was enduring this week and the day He was about to face all for them---all for us. Yet so many still had not grasped that. And so many would never. Their pride and blindness would hold them hostage. They would never see the love this God in human form had and has for them.
Do you think He was tired, drained, and just flat out exhausted?
I do.
And He knew what He was about to endure over the next 24 hours. No, make that 3 days. Yes, His agony did not end on the cross. Remember---He descended into hell so that He could once and for all defeat death before He rose again.
And then there's Sunday.
Thank God For Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hallelujah! He is risen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do I have to whine and complain about?
Join me now in giving thanks and praise to our Father for His gift, sacrifice, and unending faithfulness.
Happy Easter to you all!!!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
One Race One Blood by Ken Ham & A. Charles Ware
Ken Ham and Dr. A. Charles Ware truly grasped the vision God gave them for writing this book and did so quite effectively.
One Race One Blood: A Biblical Answer to Racism takes a new look at a tired, yet still highly controversial subject.
Do you know the subtitle of Charles Darwin's book, The Origin of the Species?
"What does that have to do with racism?" you ask.
The full title of Darwin's classic 1859 book is The Origin of the Species: The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
Does that answer your question?
Still not sold?
How about Ham's quote about one of Darwin's next books, The Descent of Man?
Ham and Ware tag-team a tough, but important subject throughout the eight chapters of this necessary read. They show us how we are all truly of one blood, Adam's blood, and are therefore one race. We have many diverse people groups in our world, but truly are all of the human race. Our culture and thinking has been ingrained and polluted by the ways of man, but ultimately what God has to say is the bottom line.
Ham and Ware guide us through discovering and confirming what God's Word has to say about our origin and our race. Not only do they scientifically prove to us how much we truly, foundationally, genetically have in common, they also point out some specific, basic, Biblical truths on the matter.
Here are a few points they make:
Dr. Ware reminds us that "Heaven will be a diverse community. Citizens of heaven will include representatives from different ethnic, gender, cultural, economic, educational, social, geographic, and national backgrounds. Heaven will be a diverse but peaceful society with loving relationships created through Christ. Grace to forgive through the Cross and transformation through the truth reunites and heals those whose relationships were broken by sin. (Ephesians 2:14-22) The Cross reminds us that such unity did not come easily or cheaply....People who will intentionally cross the boundaries of racial solidarity and reunite the family of God are needed today."
According to Ham, "If you truly want to see your life reflect the life of Christ, then you must begin to allow Christ to love others through you, particularly those who are different from you, just as He did."
"But old ideas die hard. New ideas require new thinking and often require a conscious choice to change our beliefs and our actions. This is certainly the truth when it comes to issues of racism," states Ham.
And finally, I leave you to consider one more thing pointed out in this intriguing, challenging book:
Whether you are still on the fence about this issue, or even are clearly on one side or the other---this book raises necessary discussions and presents factual, scientific, scriptural evidence to make the point that we truly are---One Race One Blood.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from New Leaf Publishing Group. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.
Ken Ham and Dr. A. Charles Ware truly grasped the vision God gave them for writing this book and did so quite effectively.
One Race One Blood: A Biblical Answer to Racism takes a new look at a tired, yet still highly controversial subject.
Do you know the subtitle of Charles Darwin's book, The Origin of the Species?
"What does that have to do with racism?" you ask.
The full title of Darwin's classic 1859 book is The Origin of the Species: The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
Does that answer your question?
Still not sold?
How about Ham's quote about one of Darwin's next books, The Descent of Man?
"In The Descent of Man, Darwin popularized the idea of different races of people---lower races, higher races, primitive races, advanced races, and so on. What did that do? As the late Steven J. Gould from Harvard University said, 'Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1850 but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory.'"Now are you getting the idea?
Ham and Ware tag-team a tough, but important subject throughout the eight chapters of this necessary read. They show us how we are all truly of one blood, Adam's blood, and are therefore one race. We have many diverse people groups in our world, but truly are all of the human race. Our culture and thinking has been ingrained and polluted by the ways of man, but ultimately what God has to say is the bottom line.
Ham and Ware guide us through discovering and confirming what God's Word has to say about our origin and our race. Not only do they scientifically prove to us how much we truly, foundationally, genetically have in common, they also point out some specific, basic, Biblical truths on the matter.
Here are a few points they make:
- We're all created by God. (Genesis 2:7)
- We're all in God's image. (Genesis 1:26)
- We're all one family. (Acts 17:26)
- We're all loved by God. (John 3:16)
Dr. Ware reminds us that "Heaven will be a diverse community. Citizens of heaven will include representatives from different ethnic, gender, cultural, economic, educational, social, geographic, and national backgrounds. Heaven will be a diverse but peaceful society with loving relationships created through Christ. Grace to forgive through the Cross and transformation through the truth reunites and heals those whose relationships were broken by sin. (Ephesians 2:14-22) The Cross reminds us that such unity did not come easily or cheaply....People who will intentionally cross the boundaries of racial solidarity and reunite the family of God are needed today."
According to Ham, "If you truly want to see your life reflect the life of Christ, then you must begin to allow Christ to love others through you, particularly those who are different from you, just as He did."
"But old ideas die hard. New ideas require new thinking and often require a conscious choice to change our beliefs and our actions. This is certainly the truth when it comes to issues of racism," states Ham.
And finally, I leave you to consider one more thing pointed out in this intriguing, challenging book:
"What you now know must make its way to your heart; for while racism can be combated with fact, it essentially is an issue of the heart. It's one thing to know the history of 'humankind' as it is revealed in Scripture and is now supported by science. But it's quite another thing to look out on the sea of humanity in our world and feel from the depths of your soul that we are brothers and sisters---that we are one race---that we are "one blood."I don't think I need to add any more to the wise words of these men. Nothing, that is, except to say that you truly need to read this from cover-to-cover to get the full depth of what they reveal to us in this priceless piece of work.
Whether you are still on the fence about this issue, or even are clearly on one side or the other---this book raises necessary discussions and presents factual, scientific, scriptural evidence to make the point that we truly are---One Race One Blood.
What about you?
Do you find this hard for your heart and mind to grasp?
Honestly, do you?
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A Still and Quiet Soul: Embracing Contentment by Cathy Messecar
Don't you just feel still and quiet when you look at this book?
Seriously. When I got this in the mail, some kind of peace came over me just holding it and looking at it.
If you have read my reviews and posts for very long, you know I am nowhere near as surface and shallow as a statement like that may sound. I don't say something like that flippantly. I know true peace and contentment goes much deeper than outward appearances.
And so does this book.
A Still and Quiet Soul: Embracing Contentment by Cathy Messecar is a joyous and at times challenging journey down a path of letting go of worries and the things that cause them. As Cathy walks us through letting go, she strategically guides us in how and what to replace those worrisome things with---specifically with the Word of God and the peace of God which goes beyond anything we can understand or explain.
In each chapter Cathy guides us through a specific lesson along the journey of embracing contentment. She uses life stories from hers and others' lives as well as real-life examples straight out of the Bible clearly and relevantly applied to our current daily struggles. Near the end of each chapter, she shares a story from someone else's life featuring how they have learned to embrace contentment written in their own words. Then, she wraps up each chapter by giving us two scriptures to memorize and pray (one as a Praise and one as a Petition) followed by a few questions to consider and even act upon on our journey toward contentment.
I so needed this book at just the time I was blessed to be able to be reading it. So many of the statements Cathy makes in it stood out to me and touched me. I have numerous pages "dog-eared" in it! God knew what He was doing when He had Cathy send this gem of a book my way.
Just for you---a couple of nuggets of truth in Cathy's words:
Wonderful, practical book.
When you get yourself a copy of A Still and Quiet Soul: Embracing Contentment, let me know so that I can come along side you in your journey toward a more balanced life.
One final word---Cathy, I cannot thank you enough not only for giving me this book that is a true labor of your love for the Lord and His people, but also for letting His light shine through you so vibrantly. Your friendship, life, and words are such an encouragement to me. It is an honor to call you my friend.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Cathy Messecar. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.
Seriously. When I got this in the mail, some kind of peace came over me just holding it and looking at it.
If you have read my reviews and posts for very long, you know I am nowhere near as surface and shallow as a statement like that may sound. I don't say something like that flippantly. I know true peace and contentment goes much deeper than outward appearances.
And so does this book.
A Still and Quiet Soul: Embracing Contentment by Cathy Messecar is a joyous and at times challenging journey down a path of letting go of worries and the things that cause them. As Cathy walks us through letting go, she strategically guides us in how and what to replace those worrisome things with---specifically with the Word of God and the peace of God which goes beyond anything we can understand or explain.
In each chapter Cathy guides us through a specific lesson along the journey of embracing contentment. She uses life stories from hers and others' lives as well as real-life examples straight out of the Bible clearly and relevantly applied to our current daily struggles. Near the end of each chapter, she shares a story from someone else's life featuring how they have learned to embrace contentment written in their own words. Then, she wraps up each chapter by giving us two scriptures to memorize and pray (one as a Praise and one as a Petition) followed by a few questions to consider and even act upon on our journey toward contentment.
I so needed this book at just the time I was blessed to be able to be reading it. So many of the statements Cathy makes in it stood out to me and touched me. I have numerous pages "dog-eared" in it! God knew what He was doing when He had Cathy send this gem of a book my way.
Just for you---a couple of nuggets of truth in Cathy's words:
Jesus said to live in the here and now, the moment you are breathing in. Don't worry about tomorrow-fragments.
Recognizing and living out the seasons of life to their fullness will help us maintain a balance that supplements contentment.
Early on, some families train their children to go, go, go. But, in that situation, when do children get opportunities to develop Christ-like disciplines of solitude and silence? Do we set a pace for peace? How do we encourage them to be happy travelers when their loads are too heavy?
True treasures---our God, our Savior, our blessed Holy Spirit, our salvation---outlive our mortality. Those valuables bring lasting contentment. Nothing, absolutely nothing of this earth compares to those.I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.
Wonderful, practical book.
What about you?
Are you at peace?
If not, what is at the root of your worry?
If you would like, please share your struggles here
and I will be praying with you
as you learn to let God handle the worries of your mind and soothe your soul.
When you get yourself a copy of A Still and Quiet Soul: Embracing Contentment, let me know so that I can come along side you in your journey toward a more balanced life.
One final word---Cathy, I cannot thank you enough not only for giving me this book that is a true labor of your love for the Lord and His people, but also for letting His light shine through you so vibrantly. Your friendship, life, and words are such an encouragement to me. It is an honor to call you my friend.
Disclaimer: I received this book for free from Cathy Messecar. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Max on Life by Max Lucado
Buy | ![]() | Read |
Do you have questions?
Questions about life? About God? About anything?
Well, though Max Lucado is only human just like the rest of us, he has a way of saying things. A way of explaining things in our everyday human terms. The man, as a writer and minister for over twenty-five years, has a vast amount of experience under his belt in deciphering the ways of this world and the ways of God.
Max is not perfect. He does not have all of the answers. He would be the first to tell you that.
However, because of Max's imperfections and his honesty about them, as well as his experience in helping countless people through various unimaginable situations, he has a lot to say about life.
In Max on Life, Max shares 171 questions with us that have been asked to him over his time as a minister and a writer. These questions span the gamut from basic, common questions about God and Christianity to very specific, individual issues related to the person who asked them. The questions are from non-Christians, Christians, children, teens, adults, rich, poor, angry, hurting, joyful, married, single, divorced, widowed, sick, healthy, and everywhere in between. Max even begins each chapter with an image of a handwritten letter from him to one of the people asking him a question.
The chapters group the questions into categories as such: Hope (God, Grace, and "Why am I here?"), Hurt (Conflicts, Calamities, and "Why me?"), Help (Prayer, Scripture, and "Why church?"), Him/Her (Sex, Romance, and "Any chance of a second chance?"), Home (Diapers, Disagreements, and "Any hope for prodigals?"), Haves/Have-Nots (Work, Money, and "Where's the lifeline?"), and Hereafter (Cemeteries, Heaven, Hell, and "Who goes where?")
This book is most likely intended to be a resource, and for that purpose it offers a Topical Index as well as a Scripture Index at the end. For example, as I read through the questions and answers, I could not relate to several of the questions currently because I personally have not yet had to deal with whatever the specific issue is (such as the loss of a child) though I was reminded of how thankful I should be for the blessings I do have and the people who are in my life. One day, if and when any of these unfamiliar situations do arise in my life, I will turn to God first, and as a guide into God's Word and God's Way, I will probably pick this book up again and see how Max says God wants to help me through it.
Many of the questions did echo my own thoughts, past and present. Max's words are very much what I have found to be true when I have searched God's word and have comforted and guided me in areas I am still mulling over with God.
I do recommend adding this book to your collection of resources, whether you are a Christian or not. Max has a lot of enlightening things to say about some deep, frequently asked questions. Check it out for yourself.
In the meantime, I would like to know...
What kind of life questions are you mulling over right now---with or without God?
Have you considered seeing what God has to say about it?Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 <http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/waisidx_03/16cfr255_03.html> : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
If so, what has He revealed to you?
If not, why not give His Word a try?
See what He has to say...you may just be pleasantly surprised.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Praying for my Buster...or me!?!
So, this week I remembered to follow the
21 Days of Prayer for Sons Challenge correctly...
...AND I caught up over the weekend on the topics I accidentally did not pray for my Buster over last week.
How did that go, you ask?
Well, let me just say that after praying over him with specific scriptures covering the topics of Submission to Authority, Integrity, Avoiding Foolishness, Pride, Purity, A Servant's Heart, Honor, Love, Joy, and Peace...changes are happening. In ME! (And him, too.)
I have noticed a couple of themes as I read some of the other blogs of parents participating in this challenge...it is that these focused, scripture-based prayers are (1) changing US and (2) challenging to us. Yes, our children are growing and benefiting from the prayers as well, but the overall themes I see are those of God working through this true CHALLENGE to CHANGE us as parents and even as children of our heavenly Father.
This was a tough week at work and at home for many reasons, mostly related to trying to get everything done in what seems to be too small of an amount of time. Or maybe it's the other way around (too many things to do...)
Regardless, today's prayer topic was just in time.
21 Days of Prayer for Sons Challenge correctly...
...AND I caught up over the weekend on the topics I accidentally did not pray for my Buster over last week.
How did that go, you ask?
Well, let me just say that after praying over him with specific scriptures covering the topics of Submission to Authority, Integrity, Avoiding Foolishness, Pride, Purity, A Servant's Heart, Honor, Love, Joy, and Peace...changes are happening. In ME! (And him, too.)
I have noticed a couple of themes as I read some of the other blogs of parents participating in this challenge...it is that these focused, scripture-based prayers are (1) changing US and (2) challenging to us. Yes, our children are growing and benefiting from the prayers as well, but the overall themes I see are those of God working through this true CHALLENGE to CHANGE us as parents and even as children of our heavenly Father.
This was a tough week at work and at home for many reasons, mostly related to trying to get everything done in what seems to be too small of an amount of time. Or maybe it's the other way around (too many things to do...)
Regardless, today's prayer topic was just in time.
Peace God leaves with_Buster & Haelie_;
His peace He gives to_Buster & Haelie_.
Not as the world gives does God give.
Let not_Buster's & Haelie's_heart(s) be troubled,
neither let (them) be afraid (John 14:27)
Which of the topics have you
needed prayer for most
this past week?
Submission to Authority
Avoiding Foolishness
A Servant's Heart
Which of these topics do you
anticipate needing prayer for
in this coming week?
Please share. I will pray for you.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Praying for my Buster
That's his self-chosen Mystery Ranger name.
Though I don't focus my blog on writing about him all the time, he and his daddy are truly the two men I spend the most time with and think about the most in my day to day life---as it should be.
One of my thoughts about him is, "Am I/are we leading and training him as I/we should be to become the man he needs to be in order to live confidently and successfully in this world as living for God and not for men?"
I do pray for him (and for my husband) daily, especially on my 24-mile-long bridge I drive to and from work every day.
Yes, I pray for him, but sometimes I just don't know what to pray...and that is okay.
However, thanks to Brooke McGlothlin who wrote the practical and amazing e-book Warrior Prayers - Praying the Word for Boys in Areas They Need It Most - I am now taking part in her challenge to intentionally devote 21 Days of Prayer for Sons - for MY son.
Brooke posts daily (on weekdays) a new topic to pray about concerning our sons. Not only that, but she also guides us to go to her e-book Warrior Prayers (which only costs a little over $5) and pray the ten short scripture-based prayers for that topic for our son.
The first day was to pray for Obedience --- boy do we need to pray for our sons'/children's obedience! (And ours, too, while we're at it!) So, an example of a prayer she has in her book for that is "May Buster obey his parents in the Lord, for this is right (Ephesians 6:1)." And another is, "May Buster obey his leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over his soul, as those who will have to give an account. Let Buster do this with joy and not groaning (Hebrews 13:17)." And one more I really like, "May we be full of joy at Buster's obedience (Romans 16:19)."
See there, that was easy! We all just prayed three of the ten prayers over my son, Mystery Ranger Buster.
Seriously, though he is a very good and well-behaved five-year-old boy, he is especially struggling right now with focusing and following instructions in school (and at home). Typical age-related issues, but still something we are dealing with and training him about on a daily basis.
I admit, I just realized last night that I wasn't following the challenge correctly. Instead of praying over a different topic each day, I haveaccidentally providentially been praying over that obedience thing every day for the past week! Guess God knew where my focus needed to be this week.
And, in turn, we went from having a couple of lower daily behavior grades early in the week to having excellent behavior grades for two days in a row! (We shall see what today's turns out to be...)
Just because I am praying for him as part of this challenge, I do not expect perfection. I know he will still be his five-year-old human self and I will still be my ___-year-old human self. ;-) However, I do know that I have a focus of some things to pray over him for several days, many of which I may not have thought to pray about on my own. (Thanks, Brooke!)
Now, I just have to tell you what this silly Mystery Ranger Buster did to me this week (and to a couple of others after me).

I picked him up from school one day and asked how his day went. (Mind you I have been praying for him to learn obedience for a few days now.)
He appeared down and maybe even sad or tired.
He said, "I don't know."
I asked, "Did something happen today that made you have a bad day?"
Again, "I don't know."
My response, "Do you really not know or do you know, but you just don't want to tell me?"
"I don't know...well...really, I do know."
"What happened?"
"I threw leaves."
"When and where did you throw leaves?"
"At somebody. I threw leaves at somebody."
"What? To be mean to them?"
"Yes, to be mean to them."
"Why would you do that? You know better than to be mean to people. Get in your seat and buckle up while I think about this."
As he is buckling up, I am getting his daily report notebook out of his bag. "No, mom, give that to me, please."
"No, son, you buckle up now." Oh, there is surely something in here he doesn't want me to see. Hmmm...
So, on today's behavior report, I see a perfect behavior grade (Capital "E" for "Excellent"). Hmmm...
Maybe he did not get caught by a teacher being mean, but he is just being honest and telling me about it anyway. Wow. That is actually a good thing, so how do I handle this now?
About the time those thoughts are going through my head, I hear from the back seat...
"April Fools, Mommy!!!"
Oh.My.Goodness!!! That stinker!!!
He has been all about April Fools since April 1st...and the booger got me good!!! And he passed along the April Fools' joke to his daddy and a few others after me.
Just had to share! Hope you have a wonderful April...fools or no fools!
That's his self-chosen Mystery Ranger name.
Though I don't focus my blog on writing about him all the time, he and his daddy are truly the two men I spend the most time with and think about the most in my day to day life---as it should be.
One of my thoughts about him is, "Am I/are we leading and training him as I/we should be to become the man he needs to be in order to live confidently and successfully in this world as living for God and not for men?"
I do pray for him (and for my husband) daily, especially on my 24-mile-long bridge I drive to and from work every day.
Yes, I pray for him, but sometimes I just don't know what to pray...and that is okay.
However, thanks to Brooke McGlothlin who wrote the practical and amazing e-book Warrior Prayers - Praying the Word for Boys in Areas They Need It Most - I am now taking part in her challenge to intentionally devote 21 Days of Prayer for Sons - for MY son.
Brooke posts daily (on weekdays) a new topic to pray about concerning our sons. Not only that, but she also guides us to go to her e-book Warrior Prayers (which only costs a little over $5) and pray the ten short scripture-based prayers for that topic for our son.
The first day was to pray for Obedience --- boy do we need to pray for our sons'/children's obedience! (And ours, too, while we're at it!) So, an example of a prayer she has in her book for that is "May Buster obey his parents in the Lord, for this is right (Ephesians 6:1)." And another is, "May Buster obey his leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over his soul, as those who will have to give an account. Let Buster do this with joy and not groaning (Hebrews 13:17)." And one more I really like, "May we be full of joy at Buster's obedience (Romans 16:19)."
See there, that was easy! We all just prayed three of the ten prayers over my son, Mystery Ranger Buster.
Seriously, though he is a very good and well-behaved five-year-old boy, he is especially struggling right now with focusing and following instructions in school (and at home). Typical age-related issues, but still something we are dealing with and training him about on a daily basis.
I admit, I just realized last night that I wasn't following the challenge correctly. Instead of praying over a different topic each day, I have
And, in turn, we went from having a couple of lower daily behavior grades early in the week to having excellent behavior grades for two days in a row! (We shall see what today's turns out to be...)
Just because I am praying for him as part of this challenge, I do not expect perfection. I know he will still be his five-year-old human self and I will still be my ___-year-old human self. ;-) However, I do know that I have a focus of some things to pray over him for several days, many of which I may not have thought to pray about on my own. (Thanks, Brooke!)
Now, I just have to tell you what this silly Mystery Ranger Buster did to me this week (and to a couple of others after me).

I picked him up from school one day and asked how his day went. (Mind you I have been praying for him to learn obedience for a few days now.)
He appeared down and maybe even sad or tired.
He said, "I don't know."
I asked, "Did something happen today that made you have a bad day?"
Again, "I don't know."
My response, "Do you really not know or do you know, but you just don't want to tell me?"
"I don't know...well...really, I do know."
"What happened?"
"I threw leaves."
"When and where did you throw leaves?"
"At somebody. I threw leaves at somebody."
"What? To be mean to them?"
"Yes, to be mean to them."
"Why would you do that? You know better than to be mean to people. Get in your seat and buckle up while I think about this."
As he is buckling up, I am getting his daily report notebook out of his bag. "No, mom, give that to me, please."
"No, son, you buckle up now." Oh, there is surely something in here he doesn't want me to see. Hmmm...
So, on today's behavior report, I see a perfect behavior grade (Capital "E" for "Excellent"). Hmmm...
Maybe he did not get caught by a teacher being mean, but he is just being honest and telling me about it anyway. Wow. That is actually a good thing, so how do I handle this now?
About the time those thoughts are going through my head, I hear from the back seat...
"April Fools, Mommy!!!"
Oh.My.Goodness!!! That stinker!!!
He has been all about April Fools since April 1st...and the booger got me good!!! And he passed along the April Fools' joke to his daddy and a few others after me.
Just had to share! Hope you have a wonderful April...fools or no fools!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
A Deeper Kind of Calm by Linda Dillow
We know that life is often chaotic.
In the midst of apparent chaos, we not only need confidence, but we also need calm...
A Deeper Kind of Calm.
Coincidentally Providentially, that is the title of a book by Linda Dillow - A Deeper Kind of Calm: Steadfast Faith in the Midst of Adversity.
This fairly short, easy to read book is packed full of depth and encouragement bolstered by the honest transparency of the author.
Dillow has woven a beautiful tapestry of hope and peace with threads of pain, heartache, and fear.
Through her words and examples, she points us to some specific psalms to which we can cling and through which we can grow and find the peace of our Lord that is beyond any explanation or understanding.
As Dillow points us to our Savior, our fortress, she reminds us that, "Manmade fortresses always eventually fail. But there is a fortress---a high fortress, a secure fortress---that will never fail! This fortress is not a place, but a Person. His name is the Lord Almighty!"
What about our human nature? Our tendency to succumb to the overwhelming load of pressure and worry?
Only God can give that deep-down rest for your soul that you so long for and need.
He has gifted several every-day people like Linda Dillow with a special way of sharing gut-level honest experiences of struggle and adversity lovingly peppered with His persistent peace and purpose.
Do yourself a favor and get your hands on a copy of this little gem of a book. You may just come to know A Deeper Kind of Calm for yourself.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
In the midst of apparent chaos, we not only need confidence, but we also need calm...
A Deeper Kind of Calm.
This fairly short, easy to read book is packed full of depth and encouragement bolstered by the honest transparency of the author.
Dillow has woven a beautiful tapestry of hope and peace with threads of pain, heartache, and fear.
Through her words and examples, she points us to some specific psalms to which we can cling and through which we can grow and find the peace of our Lord that is beyond any explanation or understanding.
As Dillow points us to our Savior, our fortress, she reminds us that, "Manmade fortresses always eventually fail. But there is a fortress---a high fortress, a secure fortress---that will never fail! This fortress is not a place, but a Person. His name is the Lord Almighty!"
What about our human nature? Our tendency to succumb to the overwhelming load of pressure and worry?
"When I feel weak, weary, and worried, I remember the deeds of God. I hide in His refuge. I cling in desperate dependence. I walk in faith. And these secret choices bring Him great glory!"
"Recently, as I knelt by the sofa in my office in the early morning hours and poured out my anxieties to God, He gently whispered, 'Linda, please go to bed. I'll sit up the rest of the night and carry the burden for you. Let Me hold you up in this way.' What a picture! The Creator of the universe sits up, waiting, watching, and praying for me, His child, while I sleep.Do you need peace and calm right now?
Only God can give that deep-down rest for your soul that you so long for and need.
He has gifted several every-day people like Linda Dillow with a special way of sharing gut-level honest experiences of struggle and adversity lovingly peppered with His persistent peace and purpose.
Do yourself a favor and get your hands on a copy of this little gem of a book. You may just come to know A Deeper Kind of Calm for yourself.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World by Dr. David Jeremiah
Earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear radiation leaks...
Floods, tornadoes, wrecks, deaths, stillborn babies...
Financial turmoil, wars, suicide bombers...
Dr. David Jeremiah very clearly lays out a tried and true plan for us of how we truly can in his book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. Dr. Jeremiah blankets us with rich biblical direction, encouragement, and inspiration as he walks us through ten specific ways to remain confident among the apparent chaos.
As the chapters are titled, he guides us in how to stay: calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed, and convinced as we maneuver through the war zone that is our current world.
As Dr. Jeremiah states, "In chaotic times, the battle rages wildly. More than ever we need to strap on that armor (the armor of light - walking in fellowship with God); more than ever we need to know our allies from our enemies. A soldier may stand on the wall, but he never sits on the fence." (italics mine added for clarification based on book content)
As Dr. Jeremiah also states, "Now, in the fourth chapter (of 2nd Timothy), Paul tells Timothy that it's not enough to just acknowledge what is right, he must announce what is right. He must preach this truth!"
Heavily directed at Christians though inviting, intriguing, and encouraging for anyone to read, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World gives biblical and spiritual ammo to the soul. Dr. Jeremiah helps to renew our minds, our hearts, and our resolve as we face these days of ever-increasing confusion, doubt, and difficulty.
I leave you with one last nugget from the book:
Floods, tornadoes, wrecks, deaths, stillborn babies...
Financial turmoil, wars, suicide bombers...
Is our world chaotic?
Can we live with confidence...here...now?
Dr. David Jeremiah very clearly lays out a tried and true plan for us of how we truly can in his book Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World. Dr. Jeremiah blankets us with rich biblical direction, encouragement, and inspiration as he walks us through ten specific ways to remain confident among the apparent chaos.
As the chapters are titled, he guides us in how to stay: calm, compassionate, constructive, challenged, connected, centered, confident, consistent, committed, and convinced as we maneuver through the war zone that is our current world.
As Dr. Jeremiah states, "In chaotic times, the battle rages wildly. More than ever we need to strap on that armor (the armor of light - walking in fellowship with God); more than ever we need to know our allies from our enemies. A soldier may stand on the wall, but he never sits on the fence." (italics mine added for clarification based on book content)
Are you on the fence---or on the wall?
As Dr. Jeremiah also states, "Now, in the fourth chapter (of 2nd Timothy), Paul tells Timothy that it's not enough to just acknowledge what is right, he must announce what is right. He must preach this truth!"
So, again I ask, are you on the fence---or on the wall?
To Not Decide...Is to Decide!
Heavily directed at Christians though inviting, intriguing, and encouraging for anyone to read, Living with Confidence in a Chaotic World gives biblical and spiritual ammo to the soul. Dr. Jeremiah helps to renew our minds, our hearts, and our resolve as we face these days of ever-increasing confusion, doubt, and difficulty.
I leave you with one last nugget from the book:
"If you remember the Bible's warnings---that the Bible and the faith will come under increasing attacks as we get closer to the return of Jesus Christ---you will not cower in fear when skeptics raise their voices. Whether they are comedians who try to soften your defenses with humor, scholars who try to overwhelm your beliefs with intellectual arguments, or religious leaders who try to convince you that the Bible is just a book, you will be ready. You will remember that 'the grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever' (Isaiah 40:8).
Are you living with confidence or cowardice?
Are you on the fence or on the wall?
The time to decide to stand is now.
The day of salvation
and of spreading the good news of saving grace is TODAY!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Case of the Missing Mountain by Kim Jones
Did you know that part of Mount St. Helens went missing several years ago?
In The Case of the Missing Mountain by Kim Jones, Rangers Jack and Jen take Future Mystery Rangers on a sleuthing adventure to uncover many mind-blowing clues and facts along the way to discovering the scientific secrets and creative truths involved in the 1980 explosion of Mount St. Helens. Future Mystery Rangers are even taken on a discovery trip of how the region of Mount St. Helens has developed since its 1980 eruption.
Jones creatively includes seven primary mysteries to solve followed by an eighth bonus mystery at the end of the book. Each mystery helps the reader unearth facts about what has happened to Mount St. Helens by using various fun forms of decoding, word searches, mazes, and even experiments and projects that drive home the lessons in a fun way.
Ultimately she guides the reader in understanding how scientific changes to the landscape and environment can happen much faster than scientists used to think, thereby helping the reader understand that believing in the fact that God created the earth as the Bible describes is not such a crazy thing to believe after all. Scientific proof exists in many documented and studied occurrences - not the least of which is Mount St. Helens.
Finally, in the bonus mystery...well, I'll let you discover that little nugget for yourself! :o)
My five-year-old son, Official Mystery Ranger Buster, gives this exciting sleuthing adventure a really BIG thumbs up!!!
Honestly, the book is probably geared more for a little bit older age-range of children, as I had to "help" him with a large amount of the sleuthing work. However, he thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and still retains a vast amount of knowledge about Mount St. Helens that most five-year-olds do not have. Additionally, some of his favorite activities in the book included decoding, word searches, mazes, and he especially LOVED creating our own volcanoes in the back yard and watching the different ways they exploded!!!
Official Mystery Ranger Buster and I highly recommend The Case of the Missing Mountain!!!
Disclaimer: I received this book for free as a contest/giveaway prize from the author, Kim Jones via the publisher Master Books. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.
In The Case of the Missing Mountain by Kim Jones, Rangers Jack and Jen take Future Mystery Rangers on a sleuthing adventure to uncover many mind-blowing clues and facts along the way to discovering the scientific secrets and creative truths involved in the 1980 explosion of Mount St. Helens. Future Mystery Rangers are even taken on a discovery trip of how the region of Mount St. Helens has developed since its 1980 eruption.
Jones creatively includes seven primary mysteries to solve followed by an eighth bonus mystery at the end of the book. Each mystery helps the reader unearth facts about what has happened to Mount St. Helens by using various fun forms of decoding, word searches, mazes, and even experiments and projects that drive home the lessons in a fun way.
Ultimately she guides the reader in understanding how scientific changes to the landscape and environment can happen much faster than scientists used to think, thereby helping the reader understand that believing in the fact that God created the earth as the Bible describes is not such a crazy thing to believe after all. Scientific proof exists in many documented and studied occurrences - not the least of which is Mount St. Helens.
Finally, in the bonus mystery...well, I'll let you discover that little nugget for yourself! :o)
My five-year-old son, Official Mystery Ranger Buster, gives this exciting sleuthing adventure a really BIG thumbs up!!!
Honestly, the book is probably geared more for a little bit older age-range of children, as I had to "help" him with a large amount of the sleuthing work. However, he thoroughly enjoyed the adventure and still retains a vast amount of knowledge about Mount St. Helens that most five-year-olds do not have. Additionally, some of his favorite activities in the book included decoding, word searches, mazes, and he especially LOVED creating our own volcanoes in the back yard and watching the different ways they exploded!!!
Official Mystery Ranger Buster and I highly recommend The Case of the Missing Mountain!!!
Disclaimer: I received this book for free as a contest/giveaway prize from the author, Kim Jones via the publisher Master Books. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.
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