Sunday, December 9, 2012

High Five from Haelie

So, if you have followed my blog for very long, you probably know that I am a Mom of Master Books.

As such, I have been blessed to be able to share with you some wonderful books published by Master Books, an imprint of New Leaf Publishing Group.

Now, Master Books would like for me to pick out my top five books I have reviewed for them---or as I prefer to call it---my High Five from Haelie!

This is a difficult task, since I have reviewed MANY of their books and almost ALL of them are my favorite in some way.

BUT---in keeping with the request, here they are with links 
(in chronological order by review date):

BIG Book of History

The World of Animals

The Complete AQUARIUM Adventure by Merilee and Bill Clifton

Already Gone by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer with Todd Hillard

So, there you have it!

Now, as you know, I am not the only Mom of Master Books. Please check out the links below for some other Moms of Master Books Fave Five.