I was on a good path in my teen years, but I must say, I think I needed more grounding at that time of "why" I believe what I believe. If I had been given a copy of the book AB4T: Answers Book for Teens: Your Questions God's Answers I believe I would have been a bit more prepared for what awaited me on my journey of life and faith. Not that I would have been perfect in my navigation of young life, but I would have been more grounded in the what's and why's of my worldview that God created the world and gave us His Word to guide us as we live in it.
In AB4T, Bodie Hodge, Tommy Mitchell, and Ken Ham pose fifteen common questions asked by people who are seeking to learn the truth about God or even to challenge one who believes in God. These questions are not for the shy at heart. They hit hard to the heart of what our culture questions and struggles with about God and the Bible. They are not just common among young people; I would say they are just as common among believers, doubters, seekers, and skeptics of ANY age.
A couple of the Questions are:
- Q2 - If God is really so great, why does He let so much pain and bad stuff happen in the world, like earthquakes, floods, and wars??
- Q5 - With everything I hear about God not existing...how can we even know that He does exist?
- Q9 - Should people from different races marry each other; or is that wrong?
- Q13 - How can we be sure Jesus is the only way to get to God?
- Q15 - Why would God ever want to save someone as messed up as me?
The authors use Genesis 1 and 2 as their complete basis for answering these tough but real questions. In their introduction to the book, they explain why they wrote it and specifically why for teens.
I've worked with teens for years...and there is a big misconception about them (and hopefully you will agree)...they are much smarter than we often think! The young people I've worked with are intelligent and bright.
Yeah, I'll admit, some are smarter in some areas than others...but the point is they are much brighter than people give them credit for. So with this book series, we are not going to be afraid to answer the questions they have without a "bunch of fluff," but with solid biblical answers that "have some meat to them" and challenge the secular religions like atheism and evolution that are forced on them in many settings---like movies, schools, and so on.
~ Bodie Hodge - Answers in GenesisSo, with your interest piqued (I pray), I will wrap up this review by not only letting you know that I suggest getting a copy of this to give to a teen in your life---but I also suggest to read it yourself before giving it away. Teens face and ask the same questions we adults ask (even if only internally). You may just find some solid, foundational, biblical answers to some of the questions you yourself have wrestled with for many years.
Got questions...God's got answers!