Sunday, March 23, 2014

What's next with #WriteTheWord?

Glad to have you back. 

I think about you all often in our in-between post times and wonder how your #WriteTheWord journey is going. I love when I get surprised by little posts and comments from you sharing what you are learning.

Now that we are back, I am getting very excited as we are sort of drawing to a close but really we are nearing a beginning.

What do I mean by that?

Well, we are nearing the point where I took a (very long) pause from writing The Word through Joshua. I stopped several months ago around chapter 15. My posts here have been taking you through what I had written and learned prior to that pause (so I have been learning it all over again, and more...definitely needed it!).

Once I get you all caught up to where I paused, I will begin writing fresh and anew with you the rest of the way through Joshua. (and if you are writing through another portion of Scripture, you can keep writing along with us and sharing what you are learning in the passages you are writing through.)

While I am catching you up, I'll continue with the multi-chapter posts to zip through. Once I start writing new chapters, I will also start showing you some more extra things I like to do to dig deeper.

Now, here we go with the next group of chapters. 
Are you ready?!

My Chapter 10 Side Notes:
Main point of v.1-6 - Put feet to the words of your oath---even in tough times. 
Do what you say. Live what you say.

Main point of v.7-11 - The LORD alone completes our battles. He fights the enemy FOR & WITH us, so we NEED NOT FEAR.

Main point of v.12-15 - Our God can & will stop the sun for us if that's what it takes to win our battles!

Main point of v.16-21 - Don't let your guard down just because you have small victories along the way.
DON'T STOP! The battle is still on. 
PURSUE YOUR ENEMIES (the strongholds in your life). 
The LORD has given them into your hand.

v.25 - Just as the LORD had said to him... 
(Joshua told his army the same thing God had told him.)
Main point of v.22-27 - Encourage others in the LORD just as He Himself has encouraged you.

Main point of v.28-33 - When we follow & obey the LORD in battle, He gives the enemy into our hand. We have FULL VICTORY with our LORD.

Main point of v.34-39 - Stay on the offense against the enemy by staying in the 
Word of God & in prayer.
Attach the enemy.
Win the victory.
Keep marching.

Main point of v.40-43 - Our LORD is not a dictator. 
Yes, He is holy & mighty, but He also comes alongside us & carries our burdens.
Our LORD fights for us so that we can follow His commands & 
be victorious against our enemy.
He promised us the land. He will help us take it & claim His promise to us.

My Chapter 11 Side Notes:
Main point of v.1-5 - When we are victorious against our enemy 
because our LORD is fighting for us, word spreads!
Often our enemy will gather larger & stronger forces to attack us, 
but our God is still bigger, stronger, & victorious.

Main point of v.6-9 - Our LORD commands us not to fear the enemy & promises us that He will be our DELIVERER!
He guides, instructs, & commands.
We obey.
He delivers.
AND He even delivers when we don't obey!
(P.S. Do you like my superhero sheets to go along with the "deliverer" theme?!)
Main point of v.10-24 - Sometimes we have to wage against the enemy for a long time.
(Big enemy = satan; small enemies, too, like debt, etc.)
Once we have taken the entire promised land, 
we & the land will finally have rest from war.

My Chapter 12 Side Notes:
v.2 - Borders are often waterways of some kind.
Main point of v.1-6 - Even before we reach our Jordan crossing, 
we have some battles to fight & win.
But once we cross the Jordan the battle is not over---
there are many more to come.

v.8 - Arabah = plain or wilderness
Negev = dry, arid; south
WOW! 31 total kings on west of Jordan.
Main points of v.7-8 - Many lessons here:
1.  We will have many leaders in life---
often a different leader for each season.
2.  Sometimes YOU will become the leader for the next season.
Be teachable & ready!
(#3 & #4 are on next pic)

v.8 (cont'd) - Kings are like CEOs on steroids!
Even the ones who may have a quiet, humble strength 
are strong nonetheless or they would not be in their position.
- 2 on the East; 31 on the West. 
I told you there were MORE battles 
AFTER crossing the Jordan!
Main points of v.7-8 (cont'd) - More lessons here:
3.  Even though our equivalent to crossing the Jordan 
may be difficult & take tremendous bravery, 
life will not necessarily be easier on the other side---
it may be harder for awhile!
4.  Can you imagine conquering that many KINGS!?!
With God's help only can you defeat 
the strongest opposition in your life.

WOW! That was a LOT! 
But every bit of it hit me right square between the eyes all over again! 

It's just amazing how God works like that. I did this part of the study a little less than a year ago, yet it is pertinent and perfect timing all over again. Some in the same way as then, and some in a whole new way for this season of my life.

How about you?! 
Keep the updates coming!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Movin' along with #WriteTheWord

Back again!

What did you think of that spin I threw you last time? Have you been contemplating any word or words to dig deeper into? Have you already been digging? Can't wait to hear more about that.

Now, I would like to jump back into Joshua for some more #WriteTheWord.

Speaking of Joshua, have you been continuing on further in your Joshua #WriteTheWord study? If so, where are you and what have you learned? Please share! Also, I know some of you are using these #WriteTheWord tips and techniques to study other portions of Scripture, so please do share what you are learning as well! LOVE learning what God is teaching others as we journey together in studying His Word!

Back again to Joshua. Movin' along...

What I want to do now is share several pics of my pages I have written in the next couple of chapters of Joshua. I want to share more than one chapter this time (even though I know that may be a lot of content for one can handle it!). I want to do this so we can build and keep some momentum and also so we can get to the spot where I honestly left off in my own #WriteTheWord study of Joshua that I am sharing with you now. I am ready to pick it up again and start learning new stuff along with you once we hit that spot. (And besides, you know how my consistent post intentions don't always match my actions, so this way I am giving you extra content to chew on and work through in case it takes me a while to come back and post.)

Buckle up! Here we go!

My Chapter 7 Side Notes:
v.1 - All for one & one for all.
Main point of v.1-5 - When God's holy anger burns, guilty hearts melt. BUT GOD---uses melted hearts to mold & form new hearts set on Him.

Main point of v.6-9 - Sometimes life will be difficult in the Promised Land & we will question whether we ever should have crossed into it.

v.11 - Don't whine about times when it seems like God has misled & unfairly left you to fail. INSPECT THE SITUATION. You may need to repent of sin.
v.12 - Are you secretly holding on to things that are Devoted to Destruction?! GET RID OF THEM!
v.13 - So thankful that, because of the sacrificial work of Jesus on the cross, God is ALWAYS WITH His children now. His Spirit is INSIDE OF US, unlike in the Old Testament days.

v.15 - SO THANKFUL that Jesus took God's wrath upon Him IN OUR PLACE so we don't have to.
v.16 - Joshua didn't wait to obey. He did it early.
Main point of v.14-19 - What a way to confess! Give glory & praise to the LORD first. Then truthfully, openly confess what you have done.

v.24 - Valley of Achor = "deep ravine" - named after Achan but means "trouble" (Remember my "valley" study in the last post?! God is the BEST weaver of the tapestry of our lives and our studies in His Word!). 
Isaiah 65:10 (after Joshua) "...the Valley of Achor (will become) a resting place..."
Joshua 15:7 - part of the boundary of the Promised Land.
Hosea 2:15 "...(I) will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope..."
Achan = "one who troubles"
Main point of v.20-24 - WHAT'S IN A NAME? Achan = "one who troubles" - The valley where he & his stolen goods were taken was named after him. Achor = "TROUBLE" - BUT that valley later became a valley of REST & a doorway of HOPE!

v.25 - Achan = one who troubles
v.26 - Valley of Achor = Valley of Trouble - later became a doorway of hope & a resting place
Main point of v.25-26 - Again so thankful that Jesus paid the price for our sin, ONCE & FOR ALL. Because of His shed blood, we don't have to face the wrath of our Holy God's anger & can instead bask in His unending, undeserved LOVE & FORGIVENESS and MERCY & GRACE!

My Chapter 8 Side Notes:
Main point of v.1-5 - Our LORD has already won the war, but we still have battles to fight. We have to go into battle on the alert but knowing OUR GOD IS WITH US & ALREADY HAS DELIVERED US! NO FEAR! NO DISCOURAGEMENT!

v.6 - Their previous mistake of not consulting God for plans is now being used for good.
Main point of v.6-10 - RISE UP from past mistakes! Seek God & do what He commands & He will turn your past mistakes into stepping stones toward His best for you.

Main point of v.11-16 - Sometimes in battle, fleeing is the right thing to do & the desert is the right place to be. Trust God's plan even when others may think it's crazy.

Main point of v.17-20 - When God tells you to stretch! When you do, victory is sure to rise!

Main point of v.21-26 - Matthew Henry quote - "Joshua conquered by yielding, as if he had himself been conquered; so our Lord Jesus...seemed as if death had triumphed over Him...BUT in His resurrection He rallied again & gave the powers of darkness a total defeat."

Main point of v.27-35 - In times of victory & success, we must be very careful to stay focused on The Source of our blessing. We must be deliberate to read & meditate on the Word of God & give Him the praise for favorable outcomes & circumstances.

My Chapter 9 Side Notes:
v.1 - Lots of description about the kings & their locations & the people.
Main point of v.1-15 - If you do not inquire of the LORD, you will likely fall for the enemy's ruse & make a treaty of peace with the enemy.

Main point of v.16-21 - Godly leaders are to uphold their oaths & keep their promises, even when the situations are tough.

Main point of v.22-27 - Some curses can be blessings as well. 
Curse = Gibeonites serve (in tough, hard-working service jobs) in God's house.
Blessing = Lifelong service in God's house & exposure to His teachings.

So there you have it! 
3 chapters of Joshua to chew on as you #WriteTheWord along with me.
And if you notice, I was writing these portions around the same time last year. As a matter of fact, the last page was written on last Easter Sunday. Interestingly, as I write this today, we are nearing the beginning of Lent in just a few short days. (Yep, it's Mardi Gras time here in South Louisiana!)

Looking forward to your Spirit-led takeaways from this section of Joshua and/or whatever sections of Scripture God has you writing The Word in right now.

Do share! :)