Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Simple. Difficult. Necessary.

Not sure if you know of my friend, Lyn Smith.  If not, you should really check her out.  She is quite a woman on a mission.  A precious and amazing lady to know.

Today, I have the honor of guest posting on her blog!  I hope you'll go check it out.

Here's a little starter for you of what you will find there...

Simple.  Difficult.  Necessary.


Busy.  Stressful.  Exciting.  Scary.  Uncertain.

What to do?

Get simple.

Back to basics---God.

Sounds easy.  It’s not.  Difficult is a much better word.

Distractions swoop in.  To-do lists are perpetually not done.

Simplify?  I can’t.  Too much is at stake.  What if I drop a plate?


(Click HERE to read more...)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Already Compromised by Ken Ham and Greg Hall with Britt Beemer

Can I write a book about a book?!

That is exactly what I want to do in order to share with you all of the eye-opening, sometimes shocking, sometimes confirming things I learned when reading this book.

Already Compromised by Ken Ham and Greg Hall with Britt Beemer is the clever and thorough presentation of the results of a survey conducted by the authors.

They surveyed over 300 people who are in one of four different positions in several Christian colleges and universities throughout the United States.  The positions the surveyed people hold are one of the following:  the president of the university, the academic dean/vice president, the head of the science department, or the head of the theology/religion/Bible department.

Let me just say that the results are quite revealing of the major disconnect between the leaders within these institutions as well as the disconnect between what Christian parents expect they are paying for when sending their grown children to a Christian college versus the often dis-unified, non-Biblical instruction and support the students are actually receiving at a high monetary and spiritual cost.

As a matter of fact, did you realize that when these leaders of Christian education were asked what their institution teaches about the Bible, only 35.3% of them said that they teach it is true and only 25% of them teach that it is inspired by God?!  Are you saying, "WOW!" along with me?  Seriously, that is just the tip of the iceberg of what is revealed in this eye-opening, inspiring book.

Without quoting the entire book to you (which I would love to do), I will just highly suggest that you read this book.  I am not just speaking to parents of soon to be college students nor just to the students themselves.  All of us would benefit from reading this, as it is a true revelation of not only the state of our Christian education institutions but also of our churches. our leadership, and even ourselves.

Subtle changes in thinking over time have damaged us in ways we do not even realize.

It is time for us to wake up!

We need to rediscover the Truth of God as revealed in His holy, inspired, inerrant, infallible Word.  That Word is Truth and Life.  That Word is His Son.  We cannot compromise it nor Him any longer.

It is time to stand and fight for the Truth...for ourselves and our posterity.

Stand with me.
Stand with our Father.
Stand for the Truth.

No more compromise!

Disclaimer: I received this book for free from New Leaf Publishing Group. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Our last link-up of the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons Challenge!

Welcome back!

What a challenge and blessing this has been!

Thank you all for coming along,  
whether you participated or just followed our participation.

On this final day of the challenge, I would love for you to  
share comments below or link-up a post or two 
about your experiences with the challenge.  

I love hearing what you all have to share!

Also, I created a short, 5-question survey for those who did participate as members of my group.  I just want to get one overall collection of how everyone felt about the challenge as well as how you felt about being a member of my group.  You can click the survey link below to quickly complete it.  Thank you so much!